Unless otherwise noted, these documents are in PDF format. [Most computers can open PDF documents; Adobe® Reader® is available free of charge.]
Policies & Procedures Document [pdf]
Data Standards Manuals and Dictionaries
Version 2020.1.4
HUD HMIS Data Standards Manual – 2020.1.4 [pdf] Released 2020
This document is intended for use as a reference for community members, HMIS staff, and HMIS users and provides less technical detail on each data element, detail on when to collect the data, which clients it should be collected for, and any special considerations or changes from the previous data standards.
Community Performance
By the Numbers
# of People Experiencing Homelessness in Toledo
First time homeless 2020-2021

Participating Agencies
Providers participating in Toledo HMIS (aka Contributory HMIS Organizations or CHOs) receive monthly reports that include exits to permanent housing, negative reasons for leaving, length of stay, improvement in income, adults employed at exit, households receiving non-cash benefits, and retention in permanent supportive housing. CHOs are given the opportunity to review and correct any of these which appear to be out of place, and can request incidental reports covering any time period.
These CHOs include:
Emergency Shelter
Leading Families Home (Beach House)
Family House
Catholic Charities
St. Paul’s Community Center (excluding Winter Crisis Program)
Transitional Housing
Aurora Project
Permanent Supportive Housing
Catholic Charities
Leading Families Home
Neighborhood Properties Inc.
Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) Volunteers of America
Rapid Re-Housing
Leading Families Home
Lutheran Social Services
Salvation Army
Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC)
Support Services Only
Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio
Coordinated Assessment
United Way of Greater Toledo 2-1-1