Emergency Solutions Grant Program / Community Development Block Grant Program*

The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (HEARTH Act) amended the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, revising the Emergency Shelter Grants Program in significant ways and renaming it the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program. The ESG Interim Rule took effect on January 4, 2012. The change in the program’s name, from Emergency Shelter Grants to Emergency Solutions Grants, reflects the change in the program’s focus from addressing the needs of homeless people in emergency or transitional shelters to assisting people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program

The ESG program provides funding to:

Engage homeless individuals and families living on the street; Improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families; Help operate these shelters; Provide essential services to shelter residents; Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families; and Prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless.

ESG funds may be used for five program components: street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing assistance, and HMIS; as well as administrative activities (up to 7.5% of a recipient’s allocation can be used for administrative activities). —HUD Exchange

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states. cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. The program is authorized under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383, as amended 42 U.S.C.-530.1 et seq. —HUD Exchange

For more information: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/esg/ and https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/cdbg/

As a third party partner alongside the City of Toledo, TLCHB assists in administering an annual funding competition to award ESG and CDBG program funds to homeless service providers. Details for the upcoming ESG/CDBG Application cycle will be shared Winter 2021.

The ESG/CDBG Application Cycle will begin Winter 2021

Ohio Department of Development

The Homeless Crisis Response Program prevents homelessness for low- and moderate-income individuals and families, provides for emergency shelter operations, and helps to rapidly move persons from emergency shelter into permanent housing. The program is funded through the federal Emergency Solutions Grant and the Ohio Housing Trust Fund. Grant funds for homeless prevention and rapid rehousing are awarded to state-appointed service providers on a regional basis.

The HCRP is divided into two components: 1) emergency shelter operations; and 2) homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing activities. Funding is a blended formula/competitive model that balances service coverage and incentivizing performance within the grant period.” -Ohio Department of Development

For more information:https://development.ohio.gov/cs/cs_homelesscrp.htm

TLCHB is a recipient of HCRP funds on a biannual basis and works with the CoC to distribute partner funds in line with community priorities and programming.  Details of partnership opportunities will be posted here as they become available.